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What is NBS’ holistic approach to teaching that equips our accountancy and business undergraduates with a positive, can-do mindset?

What enables NBS undergraduates to go forward and innovate for the future, forge new paths, and become globally-minded leaders?

Hear from our distinguished speakers on how NBS combines first-class research with an internationally-recognised undergraduate education in accountancy and business.

Get ahead with our NBS Advantage.



Interested to join the exciting merging world of Data Science/Artificial Intelligence and Accounting? Curious about the career prospects of the new Double Degree in Accountancy and Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ACDA) graduates? Watch the video below and you will be able to:

  • Understand the exciting trend in the merging of Accounting and Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DSAI).
  • Know more about the new Double Degree in Accountancy and DSAI.
  • Learn from senior students their experiences in the Accountancy degree and the DSAI degree.

Thinking of pursuing a double degree such as the Bachelor of Accountancy & Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence? Or perhaps a second major in Entrepreneurship or a Minor in International Trading to integrate knowledge, skills and insights from different disciplines? Learn about the options available to NBS students. Learn how NBS helps you to achieve your goals and aspirations. In NBS, we take into account students' passions, interests and strengths. We welcome all students with exceptional talents and achievements. We look beyond academic competence.

Are you having a hard time choosing an undergraduate degree? Accountancy vs Business : Which should you study?
What are the qualities that NBS looks for in students? What’s a day in the life of an NBS student?
Our students are here to share their experiences and tell you all about life at NBS.

NBS offers the best Accountancy programme and Business specialisation options for our students, opening doors to many opportunities and career pathways. Passionate about Accountancy, Business but not sure which one is the right one for you?

  • Accountancy
  • Actuarial Science
  • Banking and Finance
  • Banking and Finance (International Trading Programme)
  • Business Analytics
  • Human Resource Consulting
  • Marketing
  • Risk Management and Insurance

Still deciding on a Business school?
Stay relevant and innovate for the future with NBS.
Learn to be a strategic leader that creates value and deliver impact wherever you go.
Become a Globally minded business leader that is imbued with the cultural dexterity to succeed in dynamic Asia and beyond.
Join NBS now!


Hear from our Provost New Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum New offerings in NBS


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