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September 2022

The NBS Research & Insights newsletter is an effort to demonstrate NBS thought leadership. The newsletter also aims to reflect the awards achieved and the latest research, covering a wide range of sectors and disciplines by our faculty.
INTRA CREATE Collaborative Grant with TUMCREATE
Prof S Viswanathan (Lead-PI for NTU) and Prof Thomas Hamacher (Lead-PI for TUMCREATE), along with a few other colleagues from TUM and NTU have secured an INTRA CREATE Collaborative grant from National Research Foundation (NRF) for the research project titled “Singapore’s Pathway to Carbon Neutrality: Analysis of New Technologies”. The project involves energy modelling, LCA and Logistics analysis of alternative energy sources such as import of electricity, import of Hydrogen and its Transportation, production of local Turquoise Hydrogen, and an evaluation of Singapore as a Hydrogen Hub.
Elected as Senate Chair for NTU
Prof Tan Ken Seng has been elected Chair of the Eighth Senate for NTU by his peers across the University. The election process involved an initial e-nomination exercise among the 50 elected Senators of the Eighth Senate, from 8 July to 5 August, with 11 nominations. Another round of e-voting followed from 17 to 31 August with Prof Tan being elected as the Chair.
Editor of Accounting Horizons
Prof Zhang Huai has been appointed Editor of Accounting Horizons, one of three association-wide journals published by the American Accounting Association (AAA), with the largest community of accountants in academia. In addition, he is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics and an Editorial Board Member of six refereed academic journals, such as Contemporary Accounting Research.
Co-edited journal notches up Impact Factor
The journal Big Data & Society, on which
Assoc Prof Hannah Yee-Fen Lim is a Co-Editor, has achieved an Impact Factor of 8.731, up from 5.987 the year before and now has a 5-year Impact Factor of 10.512. It is the top ranked journal in the Social Sciences (Interdisciplinary) category.
Appointments in premier HR journal and committee
Assoc Prof Trevor Yu has been appointed Associate Editor of one of the premier academic journals titled Human Resource Management. In addition, he has been elected as the HR Division Executive Committee Member (Representatives-At-Large) of the Academy of Management (AOM). The HR Division of the AOM is dedicated to understanding, identifying, and improving the effectiveness of HR practices.
Guest speaker at the Asia Student Leadership Conference (ALSC) 2022
Dr Daniel Siew was a Guest Speaker at the Asia Student Leadership Conference (ALSC) 2022 held on 17 July. In line with the conference theme of emergence, Dr Siew spoke on the topic of leadership emergence. The conference was organised by the Student Chapter of SmileAsia, a charity platform that helps students develop leadership skills and character, receive training on becoming creators of change, and enhances intercultural awareness.
Faculty book cited by the Advocate General of the EU Court of Justice
Asst Prof Althaf Marsoof’s book titled Internet Intermediaries and Trade Mark Rights has been cited by the Advocate General of the EU Court of Justice in his opinion, in Christian Louboutin v Amazon Europe Core Sàrl.
Green New Hiring
Alper Darendeli, Kelvin K. F. Law, and Michael Shen - Review of Accounting Studies
What are green jobs and how to find them?
The researchers combed through the details of 21 million online job postings to find out.
The Moral Significance of Aesthetics in Nature Imagery
Eunsoo Kim, Julia Lee Cunningham, Anocha Aribarg - Psychological Science
The research highlights “whether” – and if so,
“why” – the aesthetics of images increase media engagement and moral concern for nature and wildlife.
The value of social interactions and incentives on the use of a digital contact tracing tool post COVID-19 lockdown in Singapore
Huang, Z., Guo, H., Hannah Yee-Fen Lim, Kia Nam Ho, Evonne Tay, Angela Chow - Scientific Reports
This pioneering work on incentivisation over privacy is published in the 5th most cited journal in the world and is also a Nature publication.
The face of morality: Powerful Chief Executive Officers’ (CEOs’) facial characteristics and moral foundations
Kong, D. T., Chiu, S. C. S., & Christopoulos, G. I.Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
This study examines the moral aspects of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and the findings suggest that CEOs’ moral foundations are characteristic adaptations, varying upon genetic predispositions contextualised in their social roles (positional power).
"International Investment Agreements and Intellectual Property: Philip Morris v Uruguay" Althaf Marsoof
Book titled: Intellectual Property Excesses: Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection, edited by Enrico Bonadio and Aislinn O’Connell
The author explores how the use of international investment treaties to enforce IP rights has threatened the regulatory freedom of nations.
A Taxonomy of Individual Liquidity Provision: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange
Calvin J. Chiou, Chang Chan, and Xiaozhou Zhou - Finance Research Letters
This paper presents findings that retail investors provide more liquidity and improve market efficiency during market declines.
Is This The End Of The Matching Principle?
Choo Teck Min and Low Kin Yew - Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants
Matching is often regarded as the expense recognition principle, where expenses are matched with associated income for the period to determine the period’s profit or net income. But the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (2022) uses a different recognition criterion for expenses.
My kids will probably meet their partners via an app and that is fine
The Straits Times - 29 August 2022
“It is more important that my children play their part as good partners in their relationships, no matter how they meet their other halves,” says Abel Ang, Chief Executive of a medical technology company and an Adjunct Professor at Nanyang Business School. These days, many people meet their partners online. The 2016 data from the Marriage and Parenthood Survey showed that Singaporeans were now comfortable with meeting their partners through online dating apps. The figure more than doubled from 19 per cent in 2012 to 43 per cent in 2016.
You can adapt to tech in the workplace and learn to take risks: DBS chief
The Straits Times - 27 August 2022
“If you can change your personal way of living, and you can change in your personal life, what makes us think you can’t change in your professional life?” said DBS Group Chief Executive Piyush Gupta, replying to a question at the annual Nanyang Business School (NBS) Knowledge Lab Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series, held at NTU. The hour-long hybrid event was moderated by NBS Dean Professor Christina Soh and live streamed to attendees from more than 20 countries.
Global investors to settle cross-currency equity trades in their currency of choice through Turquoise M-DAQ™ FX workflow
PR News Wire - 24 August 2022
Richard Koh, Founder & Group CEO of M-DAQ Global said: "M-DAQ is delighted to be the first Singapore flagship fintech to partner with Turquoise®. By leveraging our wealth of experience, we can offer customers the ability to efficiently execute small FX transactions fitting the securities order shapes and using our tried and tested technology capabilities. We are well positioned to work alongside Turquoise® to bring the global equities market a solution that would allow cross-border investors to access foreign assets with more ease and confidence."
Moving beyond the ‘Chosen One’ approach to collective leadership
The Business Times - 22 August 2022
In an op-ed piece, Dr Koh Cheng Boon, Senior Lecturer at NBS, discusses how over the past two and a half years, the world has been primarily Disruptive, Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous, and Diverse (D-VUCAD); and this is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. "Coupled with recent changes in global business and governance, contemporary leadership research has signalled a dramatic shift in the way organisations are led and managed: the traditional 'heroic' approach of appointing one person to lead others appears to be giving way to a new paradigm of collective leadership," he elaborates.
New centre for blockchain research projects opens at NTU
The Straits Times - 18 August 2022
The Algorand Centre of Excellence at Nanyang Technological University (ACE@NTU) is tapping blockchain technology to develop an online platform for companies to trial these electricity supply systems. ACE@NTU will be led by Professor Wen Yonggang, an Associate Dean at NTU's College of Engineering, and Professor Boh Wai Fong, Deputy Dean at NBS.
Explainer: How will nutrition labels for freshly prepared drinks high in sugar and fat content work?
Today - 17 August 2022
Associate Professor Zhang Kuangjie from NBS noted that the labelling will provide greater transparency on the nutritional contents of freshly-made drinks, such as hidden sugars. “For example, some consumers may not know that a (cup of) bubble tea with the lowest sugar level could still contain a lot of sugar because of the other contents, such as syrup and condensed milk,” he said.
How I plan to take over as Dictator Dad
The Straits Times - 1 August 2022
“I used to shout at my kids a lot when they were younger. Over the last decade, I have mellowed in my interactions with them, but lately, I’ve started to feel more like a minion in my home than a master of my hearth. Deciding that it was time for a change, I sought inspiration for a radical parenting makeover. I picked up Frank Dikotter’s book How To Be A Dictator for tips on how to improve my parenting style.” – Abel Ang is the Chief Executive of a medical technology company and an Adjunct Professor at NBS.
Workers want 4-day week in S'pore; some employers have started to offer this option
The Straits Times - 1 August 2022
Associate Professor Trevor Yu from NBS said: “Proceed with caution even if the UK trial succeeds. Significant differences in mindset, culture, societal expectations and business climate exist.” How will the move affect Singapore’s competitiveness? What if competitor countries do not follow suit? Should schools switch to a four-day school week? How will caregivers be affected? All these issues need to be studied, he said.
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