
Yohanes Adetama Antonio
Nationality : Indonesian
Cell : N.A.
Email : YOHANESA002@e.ntu.edu.sg
Academic Year : Jan 2023
Position : PhD Student
Specialisation : Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship
Education Research Topic & Supervisor


  • 2018
    Master of Engineering (Aerospace), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • 2015
    Bachelor of Science (Aerospace Engineering), Delft Univesity of Technology, Netherlands
  • Topic
  • (to be advised)

  • Supervisor(s)
  • (to be advised)

Work Experience  


  • 2019 - 2023
  • Lecturer, Atma Jaya University, Indonesia





Research & PhD Office
Nanyang Business School
ABS-03-028 (Academic Building South)
Gaia, 91 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639956
Email: nbsphd@ntu.edu.sg