Arm Yourself with Heightened Self-awareness,
Choose the Best School for your Tertiary Journey ahead

Be Enlightened, Make the Best Decision for Yourself

The topic of career development is not foreign to you. The schools which you came from, would probably have had some career guidance talks and events to enlarge your perspectives. You could have heard career advice from well-meaning relatives during family gatherings (Work in a bank! Fantastic money and nice air-conditioning! You get your own office! Be an accountant! You won’t be out of a job! Be a lawyer! You talk so much!). You have probably been advised to choose a course to study at the university, based on your best grades attained previously at major, national examinations.

You might have wished for a crystal ball to gaze into the future, so that you could accurately predict the best and most lucrative industries to enter or where the best jobs are. For the past five years, social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Singaporean websites (e.g. have featured and applauded youths who have followed their passions to great success. Yet just a few months ago, a recent TED talk challenged that thinking and declared that to follow one’s passions would be the greatest mistake one will  ever make. With all these conflicting advice, what would be the best way for you to decipher the journey ahead?

You are likely to be acutely aware that you may possibly be in jobs that do not even exist today. Given how fast the world is moving, there will be new inventions, challenges and problems brought about by technological advances. The future world belongs to YOU and it will be an exciting one. It can be a tad overwhelming and bewildering though, given the fact that you are at crossroads.

How do you then make decisions on which courses of study to choose from? Which would be the best university to grow and develop in? Your university and your course of study will prime and prepare you for your career trajectory ahead. Choose it well.
Come and benefit from a talk on how you can understand in greater clarity, what makes you tick – in terms of your Values, Interests, Personality and Skills and how you will walk away from this talk with a greater sense of purpose towards what you want to do in your life. We desire as much as you, to ensure you enjoy career fulfillment and satisfaction after you graduate from university. This journey starts now.


Speaker’s Profile
Yvonne Kong-Ho

Deeply passionate about the topics of career resilience and career longevity, Yvonne is thankful for the privilege to be able to walk alongside with people (from ages 13 to 60) who have faced career conundrums or needed greater clarity in the career-related decisions which they have had to make. Yvonne has had close to 14 years of experiences in education, people and career development. It is her greatest hope to see people working towards the building and strengthening of their career capital at every stage of their lives.


Join us at the workshop to find out more!