North America
William Breslin McKeown
University of Chicago
Trimester 2 (2012/2013)

Studying at NBS was a great experience for me for professional and personal reasons. First of all, I fully expect any international career to involve a focus on Asia which is home to economies like India and China which will likely be among the most important for the rest of my life. Various classes at NBS focused their teachings on this region to a greater degree than my home university in the US. I was able to meet many classmates who will spend their entire careers in Asia. These will be helpful connections later on if I am involved in the region professionally.

Personally, it was a fun experience to study at NBS. The students were very closely knitted and welcoming. I went out regularly with the full-time students and joined about 25 classmates on a trip to the Philippines during the spring break. I have never been to Asia before, and Singapore served as a great hub for traveling around South-east Asia.

Experiences of Outgoing Participants