North America
Matthew Kenneth Zuiderhof
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, USA
Trimester 3 (2008/2009)
I enjoyed studying at NTU for my MBA exchange.  The best part of being at NTU in Singapore was the exposure to Asian culture and business practices.  For an American, learning about Asia, in Asia, from a Chinese professor, in a class full of Asian students, is something that I could never experience back home.  I also took a Mandarin class, and was greeting people and ordering food in Mandarin by the end of the programme!

NTU was a great learning experience for me.  The courses were good.  I was able to offer a class that I was unable to fit in my schedule at my home school, and it was just as good as it would have been at home.  I also offered a marketing class that my school did not offer, and two classes that focused on Asian culture and business practices that simply did not exist back at home.

The nice thing about Singapore is that it is clean, safe and well organized, and people speak English.  It is a great place to travel from.  My wife came to Singapore with me.  We were able to travel in the Asia-Pacific region conveniently and affordably throughout the 13-week exchange programme.  We even managed a 2-week trip to Australia at the end of the programme.  My wife volunteered at a school in Singapore, made many friends, and loved the food and shopping.  It was a great experience for both of us

Experiences of Outgoing Participants